2400 Second Loop Rd. Florence, South Carolina 29501

(843) 667-1905

Contacting Us

If you are interested in our services, finding out more information, or have some questions you need answered, please use the form to the right or at the bottom of most of our pages to take those first steps.


Please DO NOT use an email to tell us you have an emergency or that you need us to contact you urgently. Our email is checked once per business day. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please contact 911 or 988.

​Also, for similar reasons, an email is not an acceptable means of communication to cancel an appointment.

For urgent inquiries NOT requirin​g immediate 911 assistance or for cancellations, please CALL (843) 667-1905

Contact Information

2400 Second Loop Rd.
Logan Plaza Florence, SC 2950124

(843) 667-1905

(843) 667-1723

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